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Horseman's Best Friend

Welcome to Scribble Creaures:
The home of Strangely Scribbled  Arts

Aliec 8x8 WATERMARKED.jpg

A menagerie of mixed media, Scribble Creatures includes all manners of scribbled, whimsical, and fantasy driven artworks; We have a large library of fiction and anime fan works, as well as original woodcut paintings, hand made plushes, pins, and even Ita Bags of our own original characters!

Holiday Matsuri 6ft table setup 2022_edited_edited.jpg
Pink Sugar
Pumpkin Honey 5x7 Print Copy.jpg
Monochrome Toshinori

est. 2021

Artist, Creator, Basketcase

Who is the 'We' of Scribble Creatures?

A predominantly intuition driven and self-taught creator, Holly (aka Scribble Creatures) makes art that heavily features themes both gently creepy and very kawaii. While she creates the fan art relevant to popular culture and original works featuring her Pupkins, the other members of Scribble Creatures includes the undeniably adorable Muses; Miss Honey (a friend shaped force of great power and literal puppy magic, and Hambo, a long, strange, mostly monochrome cat shaped creature).

Over The Moon
Spooked Black Cat 5 x 7 WATERMARKED.jpg
Fabric Tile with Logo Animal Cookie2 7x7.jpg

Artist Alley 

- 6 to 8 ft pop up tables of magenta madness -

our website can be spotted even during the witching hour.

Where to adopt our art?

Ghost Family Booting 5x7 WATERMARKED.jpg
Mean and Green_edited.jpg

Find us online!

TikTok: @scribblecreatures
Instagram: @scribblecreatures
Facebook: @scribbledcreatures

Over the Garden Wall Tarot Samples_edited.jpg


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